The higher the setting, the more aggressive, powerful and intelligent the enemy will be. Gamepla圜ombat Difficulty: This setting determines how difficult your combat will be, with the available options in order of easiest to hardest difficulty being: Narrative, Casual, Normal, Hardcore and Insanity. The Graphics options are covered on the next few pages, but first we look at the general Gameplay, Control and Audio-related settings.The settings below have no significant impact on performance. Alternatively, during a game, press the ESC key and click Options.

To access the in-game settings, launch ME3 and in the main menu click the Extras item then click Options.

Before covering the various graphics-related settings which have the most significant impact on performance and image quality, this section examines the other settings. In particular, you now have more choice as to how you can play, with ME3 providing either greater depth of narrative and enhanced RPG elements, or more action, depending upon your preferences. But unlike a movie, you get the control the action, and hopefully, save mankind.Though much hasn't changed, there are various improvements to the graphics and gameplay. Like its predecessors, Mass Effect 3 is done in high Hollywood style, with intense action, engaging cut scenes, and the fate of the world resting on a solitary hero. As Commander Shepard you are tasked with coordinating an effective galaxy-wide response to the imminent threat of extinction. The Reapers have launched an all-out assault on Earth. The fate of mankind is at stake in (ME3), the final chapter of Bioware's popular Mass Effect series. So far I found 2 ways to do that the original Mass Effect 3 Coalesced.bin Tool by Rick or the newer more convenient GUI based ME3 Coalesced Utility by Monochrome Wench. The Coalesced.bin for Mass Effect 3 is no longer a text file and you need tools to open them. Mass Effect 3 Coalesced Editor Guidelines.