The mod itself is purely implemented with SCAR. Please post your feedback, feature requests, and bug reports in the forum threads provided below. If you can't find CheatCommands Mod II from the list, refresh your Workshop items via Main Menu -> Modding Hub -> Manage -> Refresh (See screenshot #4) Select "CheatCommands Mod II" from the Win Condition menu (See screenshot #3) Subscribe to CheatCommands Mod II by clicking the Subscribe- button aboveģ.
Camera Panning Tools: Produce cinematic camera movement for machinimaġ. Spawn any Unit, Building, Commander Ability, or Slot Item. Instant Production, Construction, and Ability Recharge, Control All resources (Including Population Cap), Toggle Fog of War, Enable/Disable AI, Change AI Difficulty.
Kill, Delete, Modify Health, Change Owner, Remove Criticals, Remove Upgrades, Toggle Auto-attack, Remove Slot Items, Add Veterancy, Add Suppression, Teleportation.